KCFI and DepEd renew their partnership to roll out ‘Basa BilangKnowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI) and the Department of Education (DepEd) renewed their partnership to roll out the “Basa Bilang” project, which seeks to develop the reading and math skills of kindergarten to Grade 3 learners using curriculumbased videos.
Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc.KNOWLEDGE Channel on January 28 activated the Knowledge Channel Emergency Education Programming (KCEEP) to allow teachers and students to catch up on their lessons by watching the channel’s curriculum-based programs.
The emergency education assistance program will allow children to continue to learn despite calamities and disastersWITH support from the Department of Education (DepEd), children who are unable to go to school because of calamities like the Taal Volcano eruption can now continue to learn as SKY Cable and Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI) will set up “EduKalidad sa Kalamidad,” an emergency education assistance program that will include the provision of TV sets that can play educational materials in evacuation centers.