KCFI brings back its face-to-face teacher training programs (FILE PHOTO)Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI) kickstarted 2023 with the resumption of its “Basa Bilang” pilot at the Department of Education (DepEd)-Schools Division Office of Santa Rosa City, Laguna.
“Basa Bilang” aims to help teach early language literacy (reading) in Filipino and English and numeracy (mathematics) so that by the end of Grade 3, the pupils are readers, proficient in math, independent learners, confident problem solvers and critical thinkers. The focus of this year’s “Basa Bilang” pilot intervention is on teaching Grade 1 oracy and beginning reading.
Sixty episodes of “Ready, Set, Read!” video lessons covering 12 weeks of Grade 1 English topics based on the DepEd curriculum were distributed to pilot Grade 1 teachers of the 18 public elementary schools in DepEd-Santa Rosa City in January.
Present during the turnover ceremony were partners Rotary Club of Makati Premier District (RCMPD), represented by charter president Carol Mercado; Miriam College’s Center for Strategic Research executive director (OIC) Dr. Carmen Peñalosa; DepEd-Santa Rosa assistant schools division superintendent Ernesto Lindo; and KCFI schools and community engagement manager Sue Saavedra.
Rcmpd, through a Rotary global grant, helped provide funding for the creation of the “Ready, Set, Read!” video lessons and for training selected Grade 1 teachers of DepEd-Santa Rosa on Knowledge Channel’s Learning Effectively through Enhanced and Evidence-based Pedagogies for Reading, while Miriam has agreed to conduct an assessment of the pilot program.
Since “Basa Bilang’s” inception in 2019, KCFI has been able to develop three animated educational programs—“Wikaharian” for Filipino literacy, “Ready, Set, Read!” for English literacy and “MathDali” for numeracy—which are all broadcast on KCFI’s online, offline and on-air platforms.
The “Basa Bilang” project is part of Knowledge Channel’s mission to bring a transformative learning experience for learners.
Do you have a school in mind that would benefit from the “Basa Bilang” project? Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , on Facebook (facebook.com/knowledgechannelfoundation) or visit our website (knowledgechannel.org).