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Category: Lifelong Wellness
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DZMM Radyo Patrol 630, our August cover feature, was one of the media outfits that rose out of the ashes of post-martial law Philippines. Although it was around as a classical music station a couple of decades earlier, DZMM was reincarnated in 1986 with a bias toward public service, thus its taglines through the years: "Ang Himpilan ng Malayang Mamamayan" in 1986 and "Una sa Balita, Una sa Public Service" beginning on its 15th anniversary in 2001. As it celebrates its latest milestone with SilveRadyo, DZMM promisesto be stronger, better and more focused on public service than ever.
Energy Development Corporation pads its list of achievementswith another major accomplishment. VALUES @ work, its 2010integrated annual and sustainability report, became the first reportof a Philippine company to be validated by the Global ReportingInitiative.
ABS-CBN Publishing, too, took home the trophy in a hotlycontested category of the Asian Publishing Awards in July. For"not being merely a translation of its printed edition into a digital screen, but an extension of the brand with its own personality and capabilities offering a different reading experience altogether," the Metro Magazine iPad Edition was named winner of Best Use of Screen Tablet Platform. Launched last year, the Metro Magazine Pad Edition, additionally, is the first Philippine magazine on the iPad.
For those awaiting the results of chairman emeritus Oscar M.Lopez's last contest, on employees' personal social responsibility stories, the organizers communicated that they are still checking and verifying the myriad of entries that they have received. Assuredly, the winners will be chosen and announced at the soonest possible time.
Meanwhile, the postponement brought about by the uncooperative weather has only whetted our excitement for Palaro 2011 happening- finally!-on August 13. Who will take home the crown? Who will be the star of the games? Put on your game face and show us what you've got!
Power Plant Mall, ever evolving and transforming, has come up with a new retail mix that fashionistas and foodies will be sure to go into ecstasies over. The latest additions to the Power Plant family include Happy Lemon and Mamou Too, which top food blogger Marketmanila raves about as one of Manila's best restos. Find out what the fuss is all about, schedule a visit to Manila's fashionable mall today!