Asianovela Channel to air ‘Hana Nochi Hare’This June, Asianovela Channel on ABS-CBN TVplus features “Hana Nochi Hare,” and “Go Back Couple.” “Hana Nochi Hare,” the Japanese version of “Boys Over Flowers” season 2, starts airing on June 24, while Choi Ban-Do (Son Ho-Jun) and his wife Ma Jin-Joo (Jang Na Ra) give love a second chance in “Go Back Couple” on June 17. Other programs that will continue to entertain ABS-CBN TVplus viewers in June are “W,” “Oh! My Lady,” “Woman with a Suitcase,” “Because This Is My First Life,” “I Am Not A Robot,” Twenty Again, “The Good Wife,” “Hwarang” and “My Dearest Intruder.” For more details, visit Asianovela Channel on