Clemen Zerrudo, Aiko Acuin and Fe BeltranMa. Fe Beltran
Overall program coordinator
Beltran joined PAAFI right after completing her Bachelor in Cooperatives course at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines in 1997. “When I was hired, I promised to work hard and would always think of something to contribute to PAAFI even in the most little way. Now that I am on my 18th year with the foundation, I realized that what I did was actually very little compared to what PAAFI has done for me. Seeing the many lives that PAAFI has touched and changed for the better throughout the years is in fact a great opportunity for me!”
Aiko Acuin
Social worker
Acuin graduated from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila in 2011 with a degree in social work. Acuin says her being determined to accomplish whatever is on her plate, driven and hardworking are some of the traits that keep her life with PAAFI enjoyable. She visits the foundation’s beneficiaries weekly and deals with the parents regularly. Being able to deliver her services efficiently is what she aims for and that makes her feel even more fulfilled.
Clemen Zerrudo
Administrative assistant
Zerrudo graduated from Southeastern College in Pasay with a degree in business administration. A PAAFI scholar since Grade 6, she says the foundation changed her life and helped her finish her studies in 2001 to become part of the first batch of PAAFI college graduates. She officially joined the foundation in 2011, a development she considers one of her life milestones.