Pioneering Spirit Lopez ValuesLopez Holdings Corporation employees were among the first to articulate the positive behaviors expected of Lopez Group members, during a workshop intended to cascade the Lopez Credo and Values to the rank and file.
Using an HR (Human Resources) Tool Kit prepared by the HR Council together with the Lopez Holdings Public Relations Group, officers and staff broke into groups to discuss each Lopez Value and the behavior expected of those who practice that particular Value.
The HR Tool Kit was designed with the help of the HR heads of various Lopez Group companies. It includes the Credo history, definitions and behavioral indicators of the seven Lopez Values, and presentation aids like videos and posters. It is intended to stimulate discussion on how employees understand and apply the Lopez Values.
In remarks to open the workshop, Lopez Holdings president Salvador G. Tirona said, “What relevance does the Lopez Credo and Values have in our daily lives? The answer is, a lot. This should not just be a card that you pull out whenever we read the contents aloud. It should actually embody our basic beliefs in what could make our lives better not only as a Lopez Group employee, but more so as a Filipino.”
He also informed them that Lopez Holdings was one of the first signatories of the Integrity Initiative, a business-led response to President Aquino’s call for doing things the right way (“ang daang matuwid”). According to Tirona, the Lopez Credo and the Lopez Group CSR Magna Carta were cited as examples that could be used by the business community in formulating the framework for the Integrity Initiative (see related story on this page).
Positive feedback
The activity generated positive feedback from Lopez Holdings employees. Accountant Flordeliza Olifermo said she was able to remember all the seven Values because she related them to the presenter. Lopez Holdings officers took turns to present one Value each, explaining each behavioral indicator and providing examples.
“I had long wanted to memorize the Values but couldn’t remember them. Because of the format of the presentation, the officer became my visual cue of the Value and I remember them all now,” said Olifermo.
Executive secretaries Ea Theresa Alarcio and Raquel dela Paz appreciated the group discussions that followed each Value presentation because they were “able to share (their) ideas and opinions” as well as listen to other points of view. The employees were divided into groups to give personal examples of how to apply the Values in their lives and the best ones were reported to the plenary.
Improvement opportunities
As for improvement opportunities, administrative officer and treasury assistant Emely Constantino said, “Let’s try to live up to it to make it more realistic.” Senior accountant Lorie Lyn Santos suggested that employees may benefit by conducting a “personal reflection or assessment” to discover which Lopez Values they need to improve on, as well as plan action steps to practice the same. Messenger Mario Bactol suggests periodic repetition of such workshop “para mas malinawan at hindi makalimutan (to clarify and so we won’t forget).”
Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez (OML) launched the Lopez Credo and Values in 2010. With a workforce of 14,000 in very diverse businesses, OML believes the Credo and Values can foster unity through a set of shared values and code of conduct, increase pride in Lopez citizenship, and plant the seeds for a group of companies that will be built to last.
What is the Integrity Initiative?
According to its website,, the Integrity Initiative is a private sector-led campaign that aims to promote honesty, transparency and fairness in conducting business by using internal and external integrity validation systems.
Corporate representatives sign the Integrity Pledge, a formal and concrete expression of commitment to abide by ethical business practices and to support a national campaign against corruption. The pledge can only be signed by chief executive officers, chief operating officers, managing directors, country representatives or other senior company officials to “set the tone from the top” and oblige all members of the organization to likewise behave with integrity and carry out their responsibilities ethically.
Business and professional organizations supporting the Integrity Initiative include Makati Business Club, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Bishops-Businessmen Conference, Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines, Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines, Institute of Corporate Directors, Management Association of the Philippines, People Management Association of the Philippines, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Public Relations Society of the Philippines.
Lopez Holdings Corporation and Lopez Group Foundation Inc. have signed the Integrity Pledge, committing to ethical business practices and good corporate governance.