Oscar LopezIn Roman mythology, the god Janus is usually depicted as having two faces since he looks to the future as well as to the past.
In Filipino tradition, Christmas and New Year are joyful opportunities to gather the family, to give thanks for the blessings received during the year and to look forward to the blessings of the coming year.
In the christmas calemndar, christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, our Savior. He became man so that we, imperfect and sinful humans, can be reconciled with the one, perfect and loving God.
New Year’s Day is celebrated as the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. This is the celebration of Mary’s motherhood of Jesus and reflects the rightful importance the Church of God gives to the Mother of our Savior, who is true God and true man.
In the rush of the holiday season, it may become a challenge to reflect on the significance of these celebrations.
For many of us, it is enough to personally feel joy and gratitude for the blessings of family, work and good health.
In thanksgiving, let us be cheerful givers, generously sharing the material and spiritual blessings we have received. Done with looking back, let us be immediately ready to face the future—with determination and firm resolve to do better, to be better and to realize our dreams.
For others, however, they seek something more. It is during these festive times that some people can feel so alone even in the midst of revelry. They yearn for something that they themselves cannot explain. They are never done looking back, and hence, cannot look forward. It seems as if whatever was missing in their life would continue to elude them in the future. Hence, they lose hope, focus and the will to carry on.
Let us pray for such restless souls. Where Christian tradition and charitable acts are insufficient, perhaps professional help, family support and real friendship can heal over time.
Thank you for keeping faith with the Lopez Group this past year. Let us face 2018 with courage and full mettle.
I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Chairman emeritus, Lopez Group