Calidad Humana: Sharing the Filipino SpiritThe Calidad Humana Movement, together with Global Peace Foundation, AIESEC, SM Cares and Lopez Group Foundation Inc., has organized the Calidad Humana- Kapwa charter making competition.
Suggest up to three behaviors that people should practice daily in order to preserve the spirit of Calidad Humana and the Kapwa culture. Example: “Every day, share something with somebody you meet on your way to school or work, with your classmates or colleagues and especially with people in need. And do it with respect, dignity and plenty of affection.”
This must be accompanied by a one- or two-page essay explaining the behavior’s relevance in preserving the Calidad Humana-Kapwa culture and its contribution to peace.
Interested parties can use the book “Calidad Humana: Sharing the Filipino Spirit” as reference. Portions of the book are available online under the Lopez Museum section of the LopezLink website.
The winning entries will be included in the Calidad Humana- Kapwa charter and in a future Calidad Humana book.
Send your entries with your complete name and contact details to com, the Facebook page filipinocalidadhumana, or to Calidad Humana Movement, Energy Development Corporation, One Corporate Center, Julia Vargas Ave. cor. Meralco Ave., Ortigas.
Exciting prizes awaits all winners! Deadline for submissions is May 31, 2016. (Story by: Jared Echevarria Photos by: Allan Sancon)