Lopez Achievement AwardThe Lopez Achievement Awards (LAA) has been instrumental in recognizing outstanding team and individual achievements in the Lopez Group. To date, the LAA has already been conferred on 81 Teams Winners and 19 Special Awards including 6 individuals.
For this cycle, the achievement must have been completed in 2014.
An achievement may be nominated in one or more award categories, namely Customer Focus, Business Management, Operations Management, Human Resource Focus, Corporate Image-building, and Public Responsibility.
Deadline of submission is on May 8, 2015 at 12:00 noon.
Get a nomination form from your HR Department or request from the program management at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The LAA project management will conduct free nomination clinics on April 29 at 2pm at the FPH 4/F boardroom. The clinics aim to guide the nominees in coming up with well-written entries and understand the basic guidelines and best practices in filling up the nomination forms.
For more info, call Karen Ventura at tel. nos. 449-6043, 638-4389 or 0917- 5561684. (Story by Karen Ventura)