Employees and family members of the Lopez Group can join the “Healthy Steps Challenge” and have trees planted in their or their companies’ name if they become one of the top challenge achievers.
Participation in the various Envi Month activities is also counted in the Healthy Steps Challenge, so Lopez employees can enjoy walking and attending the various activities while keeping themselves healthy.
The Healthy Steps Challenge is a program of the Walk the Talk team, the team responsible for various wellness activities among the Lopez employees.
As with the rest of the Envi Month activities this June, the Healthy Steps Challenge is celebrated in honor of chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez (OML). OML was a staunch advocate of health and wellness, and had been religiously joining Walk the Talk activities.
Healthy Steps program mechanics
1.This challenge is open to all Lopez Group employees and their family members and friends
2.Participation in this activity is for free.
3.Interested participants must register using the form found here—https://bit.ly/HealthyStepsChallenge2023—or by scanning this QR code:
4.Between June 1 and June 30, 2023, employees participate by completing at least 30,000 steps as measured using a pedometer or similar device.
5.In addition, participating Lopez Group employees may volunteer in any official Envi Month activity. Each attendance to an official Envi Month activity, as verified by the activity’s organizer, is equivalent to 5,000 steps.
6.After June 30, 2023, the steps—and activities joined, if any—of employees will be counted, and the following recognition will be awarded in the form of trees that will be planted in behalf of the winning individuals and companies. In the case of points earned by family and friends, their steps will be counted to the name of their host Lopez employee and company.
The prizes are as follows:
a. Top 5 most number of steps (individual)—1 tree planted in each individual’s name
b. Top 5 most number of Envi Month activities attended (individual)— 1 tree planted in each individual’s name
c. Top 5 biggest contingent, in proportion to head count (company)—1 tree planted in each company’s name
d. Top 5 most number of steps, in proportion to head count (company)—1 tree planted in each company’s name
e. Top 5 most number of Envi Month activities attended, in proportion to head count (company)— 1 tree planted in each company’s name
7. For any questions about the mechanics, please email Dimpy Jazmines at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Employees, family members invited to join ‘Healthy Steps Challenge’
(Story/Photos by:Dimpy Jazmines)