First Philippine Holdings Corporation’s Vicky Martinez, former president of PICPA-Eastern Metro Manila which was awarded one of the Best Chapters in 2015; ABS-CBN CFO Aldrin Cerrado, Outstanding CPA in Commerce and Industry; and Third Generation Holdings’ Jei-Jei Gertes, who received a Special Achievement Award in Community Service in 2014The Lopez Group Comptrollers’ Circle joined the 71st Annual National Convention of the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) in Davao City on November 24-26, 2016.
Almost 4,000 delegates attended the convention, which is an opportunity for accountants all over the country and abroad to gather in fellowship, promote the goals and objectives of the profession and to collectively pursue professional development in the different fields of accounting.
PICPA also recognized outstanding members in their chosen fields who have excelled in their respective fields of endeavors. This year, ABS-CBN chief finance officer Aldrin Cerrado was named Outstanding CPA in Commerce and Industry.
Meanwhile, the Comptrollers’ Circle will hold their annual general assembly at the ELJ Communications Center on December 16.
This group-wide conference is organized annually to update Lopez Group comptrollers, accounting and finance officers on topics outside the sphere of accounting and financial reporting as a way of assisting them in their personal development.
The conference will coincide with the group’s Christmas party aimed at fostering fellowship and camaraderie.
The Lopez Group Comptrollers’ Circle core team includes Cerrado, Jingle Hernandez, Lanie Caimol, Jei-Jei Gertes and Gemma Roque. (Story/Photo by: Jei-Jei Gertes)