Carlos Llamas LopezThe New Values Vanguards series presents Carlos Lopez, 27, the second working son of First Philippine Realty Corporation president Oscar “Cary” R. Lopez Jr. Since this generation’s members who are old enough to work are limited in number, watch for a different getting-to-know-the next-generation-Lopezes series in the future.
Kindly give us your name, educational background and why you chose your profession.
I am Carlos Roberto Eugenio Llamas Lopez. I attended the International School of Manila from kindergarten until I graduated from high school in 2009. Following this, I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Business Marketing at Menlo College in 2014.
I am currently living in San Francisco and working as a manager with Enterprise Rent-a-Car in San Francisco Airport. This profession was not the most ideal for me at the time that I was hired, but has grown to provide such intrinsic and valuable experience that I could find nowhere else. This has been a way for me to step outside my comfort zone and find independence. I work with a wide diversity of people from different backgrounds and cultures. As a manager of the branch, I have been able to learn the many aspects of running my own business. This includes sales, customer service, marketing, accounting, human resources and financing.
Describe your growing-up years. What were the values taught you by your elders—parents, grandparents—and how did you live up to these values?
I was quite the mischievous kid growing up. Unfortunately for my parents, I was one with too much energy for anyone to handle. A way for them to alleviate the energy and effort used chasing me around was to allow me opportunities to use it all in a variety of activities. I tried it all. Basketball, soccer, baseball, cross-country, table tennis, rock climbing, tennis—and the list goes on.
Being that I was exposed to so many different activities, I was and still am always curious to learn and try new things. A line from Tata [his grandfather, Lopez Group chairman emeritus Oscar M. Lopez] that I remember growing up and resonates to this day is “Everything worth doing is worth doing well.” I have challenged myself with that quote with everything that I set my mind to.
The most important value to me is the unity that my family shares. My grandparents always made it a point to constantly strengthen our family bond through our weekly family dinners and yearly excursions around the world. Together, we have traveled to many different cities and countries that most people won’t see in their lifetime. It is a true blessing to experience these places, but it would be nothing without the companionship I am fortunate to share it with.
Have you ever worked in a Lopez company? Can you describe your job, your dealings with your colleagues, etc.?
I was an intern working in Power Plant Mall’s marketing team in the summer of 2010. I learned graphic design, marketing strategies and account management, all within the mall. The most notable work that I did while I was there was help make the collateral for the annual bazaar at the Rockwell Tent. The team I worked with was a close-knit, young, creative and energetic group. A lot of their qualities reminded me of my cousins and me.
How do you find working abroad? What are your memorable moments there that tested your principles and values?
Working abroad hasn't been the easiest, but it has been extremely rewarding. I am in a constant pursuit to better myself in every undertaking that I am faced with. Whether it’s in the workplace or out in the mountains snowboarding, I find optimism and joy uncovering development opportunities and knowing that I am giving 100%. The opportunity to be in a foreign country has helped me to achieve a sense of independence and my growth as a man.
Fortunately, seeing that San Francisco has been the more frequent holiday destination for my family, I always look forward to the times everyone from around the world convenes to our one home in the Bay Area. We all cram into each room categorized by family and spend time like we were all back in Manila. Nothing extravagant, just plain old family time.
Who influenced you the most while growing up? Why?
It’s difficult to pick one influential person in my life, but the one that will always stick out is my dad. My dad was the extremely supportive father that came to almost every single one of my events. We practiced basketball and baseball together. He even went to the extent of making baseball training devices for batting and pitching practice.
There were times when I succeeded and there were times I fell short of my goals. He hardly ever questioned my decisions, but in the times that I fell short of my goals, he made sure that I would rebound and come back a stronger person.
What advice would you give your younger siblings and relatives regarding living up to the Lopez Values and how to go about it?
My advice to my younger relatives comes from the quote that I mentioned earlier, “Everything worth doing is worth doing well.” Be the best that you can possibly be at everything that you do. Your family will always be by your side no matter what happens.(Story/Photos by: Dulce Festin-Baybay)